Freedom of the Town
Former Councillor Townsend accomplished this historical event on May 14, 2022.
Located at 7 Tamarac Street in Pine Falls, the Legion Branch #64 was formed in 1928 and boasts a small but dedicated membership with the Ladies Auxillary celebrating 95 years of serving!
The Legion is a non-profit, dues-supported organization and membership is open to all Canadians.
The Legion offers a large outdoor electronic sign board and it can be rented to advertise YOUR special event!! Please call the Branch for more details at 204-367-2718.
Friday night meat draws welcome everyone and the Legion offers Media Bingo as well!
Former Councillor Townsend accomplished this historical event on May 14, 2022.
Click on Annual New Years Levy for its history......
Today, as in bygone years, members of the various Canadian Forces units and Headquarters across Canada receive and greet visiting military and civilian guests in the convivial spirit of the first day of the New Year.
Refreshments were clearly an important element in the New Year’s festivities. A report of the New Year’s Levée held in Brandon House in Manitoba in 1797 indicted that “…in the morning the Canadians (men of the North West Company) make the House and Yard ring with saluting (the firing of rifles). The House then filled with them when they all got a dram each”. Simpson’s Athabasca Journal reports that on January 1st, 1821, “the Festivities of the New Year commenced at four o’clock this morning when the people honoured me with a salute of fire arms, and in half an hour afterwards the whole Inmates of our Garrison assembled in the hall dressed out in their best clothes, and were regaled in a suitable manner with a few flagons of rum and some cakes. A full allowance of Buffalo meat was served out to them and a pint of spirits for each man”.