Waste Management
For several years one key topic has been waste management and finding the right solution for our community.
Waste management is expensive and our community was at a pivotal point to make some hard decisions and set a stable course of action for the future.
After much discussion and deliberation regarding Waste Management within the Town of Powerview-Pine Falls, Council resolved to contract Bristal Hauling to manage and perform the waste management operations commencing January 2022.
From the Team at Bristal Hauling
We are happy to have been selected by Council to provide you with your trash and recycling collection services.
Please rest assured that we have been in the waste and recycling industry for ove r20 years and have programs in place and professional staff to help you with any concerns or needs you may have.
We are more than pleased to be offering state of the art curbside cart collection services to your community.
We provide one garbage cart and one recycling cart per residential property and separate agreements have been made with the Town's commercial properties.
For convenience and ease of service your community will be separated into two zones. The zones will be identical to the Ward your home is in (Zone 1 is Ward 1 and Zone 2 is Ward 2).
Should you have any concerns with your service please contact our office at(204) 388‐4550or email us at info@bristal
Concerns may include but are not limited to a missed pick up.
Bristal Hauling offers a program for seniors and individuals with disabilities who require assistance getting their cart to the curb. If you are unable to move your cart from your home to the curb our operators are more than happy to assist you, and they will even return the cart after they have emptied it! If you would like to be a part of this program you can call or email the town at (204)367‐8483

Yard Waste Disposal Site
The Town of Powerview-Pine Falls is thrilled to announce that residents may take YARD WASTE, including grass clippings, leaves, garden waste and branches, to the new Yard Waste Disposal Site located at the very end of Art Street. (the area formally known as the boneyard)
Open daily
Please note that all waste must be loose and all plastic bags must be emptied and removed from the site, as controlled burns will be done periodically at the site.
NO household or construction waste is permitted!